Why I am so disapointed in the Black Panther…
I am probably going to get allot of flack for this post but I have been thinking this since I was about 30 mins into the movie.
First of all I almost never go to the movie theater, prior to going to see Black Panther I had not been to the movies in over 3 years.
However both my wife and I thought that this could be a really good movie that we could both enjoy.
Onto the point however, why I think that the movie was a huge disapointment and such a missed opportunity, I will keep it brief and to the point …
- The premise that a nation of Africans would exist in Africa and choose not to get involved or intervene in anyway as they see there fellow African brothers and sisters being used and abused by much of the rest of the world. Fine this is not something that is highlighted in the movie, i.e we do not see the Wakanda during the period of colonization and slavery but it is something that for sure came to my mind when thinking about the backstory. I must also say that this is something that I could have looked past and “ignored”, creative license and all that, if it was not for the rest of the issues with the movie.
- The fact that the story the movie tries to sell is that the concept of “helping the rest of the world”, came from a Wakandan who had been living in the states, who was then killed by his own brother the king, (hope I am getting that right). Then years later its the son of the slain brother who returns to Wakanda, (as the villain), and single handedly manages to overthrow the current king and is intent on using the Wakanda technology to make the Wakanda an active dominant world power. Ofcourse the villain never wins and the rightful king gets power again. Such a missed opportunity, why not make the cousins, (i.e the rightful king and the “villain”), end up uniting and together have Wakanda take its rightful place in the world and leverage its technology in a positive way to help the world?
- So we have morally questionable Wakanda’s who have allowed their brothers and sisters in neighbouring countries suffer without intervening, I say “morally questionable” because in my opinion standing by and allowing your fellow humans to be abused and suffer when you have the means to help is “morally questionable”. And the villain who manages to take control, but then as all good stories go looses to the rightful king in the end. These events however were seemingly enough to wake up the Wakandan people to the need to help their brothers and sisters in the world who are suffering. So where do they go to help?…. inner city USA!